clean living pool team
Clean Living Pool & Spa LLC

Focused on offering the highest level of honesty and quality in pool service and maintenance in Las Vegas.

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Pools Cleaned
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Years of Experience
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About Us

Our purpose is, to provide the highest quality in pool cleaning service, maintenance and repairs.

In 2012 we decided we wanted to start our own company. With successful business backgrounds managing and growing organizations like JP Morgan CHASE and AAA, we knew that we would provide a level of professionalism, business acumen, and customer service that you typically don’t experience from a pool cleaning company.

“We don't require contracts. We believe that we have to earn your business with every visit.”

John Butler - Owner
John Butler
Owner of Clean Living Pool and Spa
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Best Quality

Quality is more than just doing a good job cleaning and servicing your pool.

Anyone can pick up a pole and a net and call
themselves a "pool guy".
Clean Living Pool and Spa, prides ourselves on our knowledge, reliability, and exceptional customer service.


Certified Professionals

Our technicians have completed extensive training and are certified to clean public and residential pools.

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Full Service

As a licensed contractor, Clean Living Pool and Spa can not only perform weekly cleaning, but regular maintenance services (like acid washes, and tile cleanings) as well as repairs on your pool equipment.

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Friendly & Committed

We believe we have to earn your business with every visit. Our office staff as well as our technicians put customer service above all else! We appreciate your business and promise to work hard to ensure the value of the service we provide!

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In the Details

Every week we will brush your walls and steps, check chemicals and adjust them appropriately. We will net the pool and vacuum when necessary.  We also empty the skimmer and pump baskets. To wrap up our visit we visually inspect the equipment every week to ensure there aren't any problems.

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Our History

We started as a small business in 2012... just the 2 of us...
Look how our family has GROWN!

Clean Living Pool and Spa is owned and operated by John and Julie Butler.  Both John and Julie are known for displaying the highest level of honesty, expertise, quality, and professionalism.  Their employees are some of the best and have only added to the quality of the service provided by Clean Living Pool and Spa.

Regardless if it’s a simple consultation, weekly service, maintenance work, or you need your pool drained and acid washed... Call us today so that you can experience what it’s like to have a team that is focused on offering the highest level of honesty and quality in pool cleaning service and maintenance.  We look forward to doing business with you!

Schedule an appointment 
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Our Process

We've Got Good Chemisrty

It takes more than just good pool chemistry to be a successful! We make sure we treat our customers like they are our one and only ! Great chemistry with your pool, our employees and our customers are our top priority!

clean living pool and spa


Proper water chemistry kills germs and bacteria and also makes it safe to swim. If the water chemistry is out of balance it can cause algae to grow as well as other damage to the pool and it's equipment.

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Acid/Chlorine Washes, Tile Cleaning and Filter Cleanings will help keep your pool healthy and beautiful all year long. Filter Cleanings should be performed quarterly, Acid Washes, every 3-4 years and Tile Cleanings as desired by the home owner.

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Swimming Pools are a big financial investment in your home. It's important that you have someone you can trust, which is a Licensed Contractor. Someone who has the knowledge and work ethic to repair your equipment properly while also being cost conscience.

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Our Team

Behind every great pool service, there is a great team

We couldn't provide the service we offer if it weren't for our committed team members, to keep your pool beautiful.

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We post discounts, specials, important updates as well as referral specials to our customers.

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